Culture is Community is Care.

Nashville, Tennessee

We are the First of Our Kind


Founded in June 2019, Elmahaba Center board, staff, and volunteers are the first Coptic-led organization that is inclusive, intersectional, and intergenerational, serving all Arabic-speaking immigrants, refugees, and their children and anyone who asks for help in Nashville.

What Our Community is Saying

“I learned more from Elmahaba’s class.”

— ACT student, summer 2020

“شكرا جزيلا للمهجهود المبذول و المعلومات القيمة”

— مدام ريهام

“I felt the difference. Like when I was taking it the first time, it was pretty confusing. But now it’s a lot better than what it was. Thank you so much for your help. I couldn’t do this without you. You are the best.”

— ACT student, summer 2020

“يبقي كثير الف خيركم و ربنا يعوضكم خير يا رب.”

-مدام مريم

Coalitions build communities. Here are the coalitions we are a part of in Nashville and nationally.

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Every dollar counts for our small organization.